Monday, May 12, 2008

Phone Frequencies

Phones have been the central point of communication for many people across the globe. Small and large business firms have tapped into the potential of telephonic communication to rope in new business and service existing client accounts. Phones facilitate efficient and economical two-way communication with any individual across the globe. Concept of phone was first visualized by Alexander Graham Bell and later improvised on. Cordless phone is the latest addition to a large number of phones. Cordless phone eliminates the need of messy wiring and installation. They work on the principle of radios. Sound is transmitted from the base unit to handset via radio signal.

Cordless phone first came in to existence in 1965. It was invented by a jazz musician named Teri Pall. The contraption devised at that time was technologically inadequate and made use of low frequencies. Frequency is defined as the strength of the signal. Cordless phone made by Teri Pall used 27 Mhz frequency. This was a low and weak signal that began to dither outside the radius of 30 feet from the base unit.

Frequency is one of the most important aspects in a cordless phone as it defines the range in which the unit would function. New cordless phones are available within a range of high frequencies of 900 Mhz, 2.4 Ghz and 5.8 Ghz. These are top of the end gadgets that function flawlessly in a limited range. They get rid of static caused by walls, appliances and interference by other electrical signals. Low frequency cordless phones can be easily interceded with the help of a radio scanner and conversations can be clearly heard. Higher frequency phones do away with this problem and make it impossible to pry on the cordless talk.

Besides these, many manufacturers offer long-range cordless phones that are known to work in very large spaces. They provide crystal clear sound quality even at 70 miles from the base unit. While purchasing a cordless phone it is advisable to closely scrutinize the frequency of the phone.

Cordless Radio Phones

Phones have become an integral part in the communication process of homes and offices. They are an efficient and economical mode of two-way communication. Phones have been in existence for long and improvised upon from time to time. Earlier models of phones were usually large pieces of equipment that could not be moved easily. With the advent of new technology, small, sleek and attractive designs of phones have been launched in the market to cater to a wide array of customers.

Cordless phones are the latest addition to the phone segment. They are based on the principle of a radio. It makes use of radio waves to transmit and receive information, which is decoded into sound and made audible. Cordless phones are available with a wide selection of functions. Most of the common brands feature call waiting, call barring, LED display on handset and base station, phone book memory, speed dialing and high quality sound output. Engineers have begun to integrate various devices into one gadget. One fine example of this is the Cordless Clock-Radio Phone. It serves three purposes by functioning as a phone an AM/FM radio and also as an alarm clock. This eliminates the need of keeping two separate instruments while extenuating the aesthetics of living space. Cordless Clock-Radio Phones are available in various colors and stylish designs to suit the taste of the buyer.

Cordless phone integrated with a radio and an alarm clock is a multi-featured gadget. It incorporates a snooze button and a gradual wake function that starts ringing softly and gradually becomes louder. These units could be priced from $45 to $75 for top end models. Cordless phone units are available with one year guarantee and may be replaced in case of a damage or malfunction. While purchasing a Cordless Clock-Radio Phone, it is advisable to closely scrutinize various features and buy one that fits the requirements.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Communication Process In Radio Cordless Phones

Phones have become an integral part in the communication process of homes and offices. They are an efficient and economical mode of two-way communication. Phones have been in existence for long and improvised upon from time to time. Earlier models of phones were usually large pieces of equipment that could not be moved easily. With the advent of new technology, small, sleek and attractive designs of phones have been launched in the market to cater to a wide array of customers.

Cordless phones are the latest addition to the phone segment. They are based on the principle of a radio. It makes use of radio waves to transmit and receive information, which is decoded into sound and made audible. Cordless phones are available with a wide selection of functions. Most of the common brands feature call waiting, call barring, LED display on handset and base station, phone book memory, speed dialing and high quality sound output. Engineers have begun to integrate various devices into one gadget. One fine example of this is the Cordless Clock-Radio Phone. It serves three purposes by functioning as a phone an AM/FM radio and also as an alarm clock. This eliminates the need of keeping two separate instruments while extenuating the aesthetics of living space. Cordless Clock-Radio Phones are available in various colors and stylish designs to suit the taste of the buyer.

Cordless phone integrated with a radio and an alarm clock is a multi-featured gadget. It incorporates a snooze button and a gradual wake function that starts ringing softly and gradually becomes louder. These units could be priced from $45 to $75 for top end models. Cordless phone units are available with one year guarantee and may be replaced in case of a damage or malfunction. While purchasing a Cordless Clock-Radio Phone, it is advisable to closely scrutinize various features and buy one that fits the requirements.

Options To Buy Radio Cordless Phone

When looking for a clock radio cordless phone you have a lot of options to consider. You also have an opportunity to get a quality item for a reasonable price if you are careful. After weeding through the various options, I found the right clock radio cordless phone that suits my needs as well as my budget.

Finding an item that fit my tight budget was easier than I thought it would be. However, I really wanted to get a different brand than the one I selected. The other clock radio cordless phone was a favorite of mine mostly because it was so attractive. I figured that I couldn’t afford to spend the extra cash just because the clock radio cordless phone looked nice.

One of the most important things to consider when making this kind of purchase is how it is going to be used. I planned on keeping the item in a private area of the home and buying an expensive model just for looks just wasn’t the best approach. The clock radio cordless phone that I chose is more about function than style.

I had to get a phone that is Bluetooth compatible since I work from home. My headset is a real necessity for me during the day and I just couldn’t imagine life without it. The Bluetooth compatibility feature quickly narrowed my options and the one clock radio cordless phone I chose was among three available.

I was thrilled to discover that the clock radio cordless phone was capable of uploading information from my computer. I downloaded my Outlook numbers right onto the unit. This wasn’t exactly a great time-saver as I had hoped but I was pretty happy to have the opportunity to play around with the thing.

I also liked that you could upload pictures from your personal computer as well. While this feature isn’t a necessity for a clock radio cordless phone, it was a nice little perk. I used this feature once and pretty much forgot about it after the novelty wore off. In fact, if I could have gotten a deal on a clock radio cordless phone that didn’t have this capability, I would have jumped at the chance.

All in all I have to say that I’m really happy with the model that I bought. I would like to see prettier options for less money and I would also like to find ones that don’t carry all of the unnecessary bells and whistles. I might change my mind after using my new clock radio cordless phone but for now, less is more.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Features And Usage Of Radio Cordless Phone

A cordless phone has become one of the most common sights in homes. It provides ease of use with crystal clear sound quality. A cordless phone can be used while walking in the house or back yard, as it provides convenience of use.

Cordless phone works on the principle of radio waves. It sends and receives digital signals from base station to handset. This signal is then encrypted and converted into sound. Cordless phones are considered as a minor miracle of modern day life. Before the advent of mobile phone, a cordless phone was the only option that allowed people to talk while moving around freely in the privacy of their homes.

Most cordless phones have same features as a standard phone and are available in many models. A cordless phone is simply a combination of a telephone with a radio transmitter and receiver. It consists of two main elements, handset and base unit. Main phone connection is attached to a phone jack and handset is kept on a slot provided on the base station for charging. Base unit receives incoming calls and converts it into an FM radio signal and transmits it to the handset.

This system of communication was first invented by a jazz musician named Teri Pall in 1965. Original system consisted of a base unit and a remote handset that worked at low radio frequencies. This low frequency permitted the use of handset from an area within range of the base. Power was required for the handset to function so in times of power failure, such a unit would not work. Frequency used initially for cordless phones was 1.7 Mhz. This was of inferior quality and had problems regarding range of accessibility and interference. FM was then used at higher frequencies of 49 MHz, 900 MHz, 2.4 GHz, and 5.8 GHz. This provided crystal clear sound quality and no interference by external objects.

Teri Pall made a breakthrough in the field of telecommunications and is recognized as having revolutionized cordless communications.

Budgeting And Options Used To Buy Radio Cordless Phones

When looking for a clock radio cordless phone you have a lot of options to consider. You also have an opportunity to get a quality item for a reasonable price if you are careful. After weeding through the various options, I found the right clock radio cordless phone that suits my needs as well as my budget.

Finding an item that fit my tight budget was easier than I thought it would be. However, I really wanted to get a different brand than the one I selected. The other clock radio cordless phone was a favorite of mine mostly because it was so attractive. I figured that I couldn’t afford to spend the extra cash just because the clock radio cordless phone looked nice.

One of the most important things to consider when making this kind of purchase is how it is going to be used. I planned on keeping the item in a private area of the home and buying an expensive model just for looks just wasn’t the best approach. The clock radio cordless phone that I chose is more about function than style.

I had to get a phone that is Bluetooth compatible since I work from home. My headset is a real necessity for me during the day and I just couldn’t imagine life without it. The Bluetooth compatibility feature quickly narrowed my options and the one clock radio cordless phone I chose was among three available.

I was thrilled to discover that the clock radio cordless phone was capable of uploading information from my computer. I downloaded my Outlook numbers right onto the unit. This wasn’t exactly a great time-saver as I had hoped but I was pretty happy to have the opportunity to play around with the thing.

I also liked that you could upload pictures from your personal computer as well. While this feature isn’t a necessity for a clock radio cordless phone, it was a nice little perk. I used this feature once and pretty much forgot about it after the novelty wore off. In fact, if I could have gotten a deal on a clock radio cordless phone that didn’t have this capability, I would have jumped at the chance.

All in all I have to say that I’m really happy with the model that I bought. I would like to see prettier options for less money and I would also like to find ones that don’t carry all of the unnecessary bells and whistles. I might change my mind after using my new clock radio cordless phone but for now, less is more.