Monday, May 12, 2008

Phone Frequencies

Phones have been the central point of communication for many people across the globe. Small and large business firms have tapped into the potential of telephonic communication to rope in new business and service existing client accounts. Phones facilitate efficient and economical two-way communication with any individual across the globe. Concept of phone was first visualized by Alexander Graham Bell and later improvised on. Cordless phone is the latest addition to a large number of phones. Cordless phone eliminates the need of messy wiring and installation. They work on the principle of radios. Sound is transmitted from the base unit to handset via radio signal.

Cordless phone first came in to existence in 1965. It was invented by a jazz musician named Teri Pall. The contraption devised at that time was technologically inadequate and made use of low frequencies. Frequency is defined as the strength of the signal. Cordless phone made by Teri Pall used 27 Mhz frequency. This was a low and weak signal that began to dither outside the radius of 30 feet from the base unit.

Frequency is one of the most important aspects in a cordless phone as it defines the range in which the unit would function. New cordless phones are available within a range of high frequencies of 900 Mhz, 2.4 Ghz and 5.8 Ghz. These are top of the end gadgets that function flawlessly in a limited range. They get rid of static caused by walls, appliances and interference by other electrical signals. Low frequency cordless phones can be easily interceded with the help of a radio scanner and conversations can be clearly heard. Higher frequency phones do away with this problem and make it impossible to pry on the cordless talk.

Besides these, many manufacturers offer long-range cordless phones that are known to work in very large spaces. They provide crystal clear sound quality even at 70 miles from the base unit. While purchasing a cordless phone it is advisable to closely scrutinize the frequency of the phone.